Support Forum

IFC Export - Attribute remapper error: it can NOT remap classification parameters

  • Allplan 2020-1-1
  • IFC Exporter

Hi all!

In Allplan 2020-1-1, the "IFC Export tool" can not remap classification parameters.

I upload:

- A video to explain it
- A IFC shown in the video
- A screenshot of the video

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Hi Xavier,

the Classification is Hardcoded connected. It is not just an Attribute, but it is internally extended by URL to Cloassification Sydtem, Publishing Date, …
It is also then an Classification Element in IFC, not a Property.
We will shortly introduce a UserDefined Classification in Allplan, this will solve your Issue then.


Product Manager Allplan Cloud & Bimplus, Allplan GmbH

Hi Xavier,

the Classification is Hardcoded connected. It is not just an Attribute, but it is internally extended by URL to Cloassification Sydtem, Publishing Date, …
It is also then an Classification Element in IFC, not a Property.
We will shortly introduce a UserDefined Classification in Allplan, this will solve your Issue then.


Product Manager Allplan Cloud & Bimplus, Allplan GmbH


exactly. All Allplan attributes from the "Classification" tab (01) end up in the "Classification tab (02) in Solibri / IFC.

As a workaround, you could create your own attributes for your classifications, which you can map.

Anhänge (2)

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Zitiert von: ThomasM
Hi Xavier,
the Classification is Hardcoded connected. It is not just an Attribute, but it is internally extended by URL to Cloassification Sydtem, Publishing Date, …
It is also then an Classification Element in IFC, not a Property.
We will shortly introduce a UserDefined Classification in Allplan, this will solve your Issue then.

Thanks thomas for your answer. We will waiting for the next update.

Best Regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Zitiert von: wkraus
exactly. All Allplan attributes from the "Classification" tab (01) end up in the "Classification tab (02) in Solibri / IFC.
As a workaround, you could create your own attributes for your classifications, which you can map.

Thanks Wkraus for your workaround explanation.

You are right, there are several workaround in order to perform a remap in IFC. But some workarounds that we do, it involves to duplicate same information in different parameters / attributes.

The main idea is always the same: in 3D modeling software, we use the less parameters as possible, and in IFC, we duplicate and combine them in several psets, when and where it is required by our clients, via remapping strategies.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

"We will shortly introduce a UserDefined Classification in Allplan, this will solve your Issue then."

When will this happen. Patch for 2020 or next/any current version?