Welcome to the ONE betting game

You want to take part in the ONE “Kicktipp” game and compete against other football loving colleagues? Then please create a game account now. The registration is free!

Please note:
Your Nemetschek ONE password does not work here. If you do not already have a Bimplus or Allplan Connect Account, you need to register anew for this game.

Helpful hints for the registration:
You can choose any username you want. But it have to be unique and must not be identical to the email address! Note that your username will be shown publicly.
Please use your official business email address (e.g. yourname@allplan.com) to get the correct access.
If you have any problems with registration or the game, please do not hesitate to contact .

Members of the Allplan Community who already have an account with Allplan WebServices (bimplus, Allplan Connect) do not need to register again and can use their existing access data. If you are not shure, try the "Forgot my password" link above.

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Use at minimum 8 Chars with at least 2 different types like: A-Z or a-z or 0-9 or (!%#+*.:?).
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