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Version:  Allplan 2024, Allplan 2023, Allplan 2022 |  Last modified: 05.06.2024 08:32
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By starting Allplan or using a tool, we got an error message of Missing text, How to fix it?



In the example below, we see 3100939 (means file 31 and line 939). The language file are stored in the ETC folder available by Service/Service/File Explorer/ETC

This can happen after an update using an hotfix or by using a new full version.

Depending on some right issue, it can happen that text file are not up to date after installing the hotfix. That leads to this error message. This doesn't block the use but can be annoying to have this message displayed all time.

To fix this, there is different possibilities:

1°) You can deinstall and reinstall the software with admin right to be sure all file will install properly

2°) You can use the tool Modify installation and repair the setup

3°) You can download the latest full version. First rename the folders ETC and install over the exiting one, this will replace the ETC folder by a new one.

4°) you can bring this a recent file from another workstation to your and by restarting Allplan, this should fix this message. (but you maybe miss other file or content)

Note :

If you use a multi-country installation, please check the ETC for each country (sometimes you will find ETC.Fra, ETC.Bel...) 

If you use a WIP version, this can be normal because the base devellopement is done in English-German and other language are added on a second step closed to the release.

If you have this message on a standard release installation with admin right, than please inform the support to analyze it more in detail.