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Can not create a list of bar with BarByEdges node.

Hello everyone,

I have a list of polylines and want to create Bar Reinforcement base on each polyline of this list. But It only work on BarbyPolyline node and doesn't work on BarByEdges node.

Which BarByEdges node, It will connect all edge then create Bar.

My temp solution is make a group of node for each Bar, but when the object has so much Bar it is the problem!

Please help !

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I use Allplan 2022.

I tried to investigate your problem. I think i know what you mean. The BarsByEdges node doesn't seem to be working properly. As you said, the number of edges does not match the number of bars.

JohanC's idea of ​​using node GetEdges is a good one. With an additional ListMerge you can create a single list that only contains single lines. (see Script.png) But even then the node BarsByEdges doesn't seem to output what I would expect.

Also the Node GetEdges shows no change when you toggle the List option. Maybe that's a problem too.
I think we should see a change like on node Polyline3D.

Gruß Felix
Allplan 2024-0-1

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Hi Chip_pet_family

I would try with GetEdge(s) before BBE


Zitiert von: JohanC
Hi Chip_pet_family
I would try with GetEdge(s) before BBE

Thank for your support.

I've tried but It didn't work.

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I'm not sure what you want to do. Do you know the setting for lists? It regulates which elements are combined into a list. Why use a polyline to calculate the points? Why not three separate lines?

Gruß Felix
Allplan 2024-0-1

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Zitiert von: f_hoeser
I'm not sure what you want to do. Do you know the setting for lists? It regulates which elements are combined into a list. Why use a polyline to calculate the points? Why not three separate lines?

Thank for your support !

The problem is the setting for lists doesn't work with BarbyEdges node. BarbyEdges node will connect all edge of list even you use list of column or row.
>> I want to know about that or maybe I make a wrong way.

I use Allplan 2022.

I tried to investigate your problem. I think i know what you mean. The BarsByEdges node doesn't seem to be working properly. As you said, the number of edges does not match the number of bars.

JohanC's idea of ​​using node GetEdges is a good one. With an additional ListMerge you can create a single list that only contains single lines. (see Script.png) But even then the node BarsByEdges doesn't seem to output what I would expect.

Also the Node GetEdges shows no change when you toggle the List option. Maybe that's a problem too.
I think we should see a change like on node Polyline3D.

Gruß Felix
Allplan 2024-0-1

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version 2023.1.2 and this node BarByEdges wasn't fixed. Team development please fix it...